JAEA Library

Guide to the Central Library

Guide to the Central Library

Visitor Guide Line

The JAEA Library is open to the JAEA community as well as the general public during the hours of 9:00 a,m-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

We reserve the right to refuse or restrict service to anyone as well as the right to inspect personal belongings. If you wish to use the JAEA Library's on-site resources, please call in advance to make proper arrangements.

For questions or more information contact the library at (+81)-80-3445-8706 or by email at

Access to on-site materials in the JAEA Library is available to certain categories of non-employees.

Authorized users who do not have a badge for access to JAEA must contact JAEA Library administration office to coordinate a visit at least 24 hours in advance of the visit.

Staffed Hours

The JAEA Library is open to 24 hours to JAEA employees who applied.
The library desk is staffed during the hours 9:00 a,m-5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Staffed Hours

Photocopy Service

Photocopies service is available. Please see, detail is Library copy service

Photocopy Service

About Library Materials

JAEA Central Library's OPAC can be searched from anywhere through the Internet via the Homepage.

Library Materials

JAEA Central Library gathered Books(50,000), Journals(2,000), Report of domestic or foreign(800,000) , DOCKET (365,000) at May, 2024. Library Materials filed is Physics(23%), Nuclear(16%), Chemical(14), Engineering(14%), Chemical Engineering(8%) ,Medicine or Safety Engineering(5%) and other(20%).

Main Library items is

  • 1.Technical Report (published in Domestic or Foreign nuclear research institutes)
  • DOE Report, DOCKET Report ,INIS Report and et al.
  • 2. International Conference Proceedings in nuclear sciece and technology

Main Library items


For train

The nearest station is Tokai station in JR Joban Line
It takes about 10 minutes to taxi from the nearest station to Nuclear Science Research Institute.

JAEA Central Library

Nuclear Science Research Institute
2-4 Shirane Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan

Contact for Use

Library, Institutional Repository and INIS Section
Research and Development Promotion Department
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Tel: (+81)-80-3445-8706
Fax: (+81)-29-282-5920